Released date: 10-May-2021
System components versions:
AP version: 5.6.10 (new)
Casb Adapter 3.2.3 (new)
MS Office Application (new)
Webex Meeting App 1.1.0 (new)
TP (new)
Installer 1.7.4
Important to know:
eDiscovery-->Advanced search: searching by text doesn't point to the chat tab when returns the results
Video Indexer doesn't recognize Russian in the Video/Audio meetings
Center play button
Can't save changes at default DLP rules
EW learning cache report fixes
Search does not work in eDiscovery
Fix Team Control Policy
Add New Settings to Portal for Teams Access Control
change default max records to show on the page to 100
Known Issues:
Known issue: users can stop recording even when it been forced
Known issue: not handling well with UDP components when it's incoming trafficeDiscovery: video-->sync time for the same video
The video is not being deleted from the video_storage tables
If the storage is off - the video is not playing from Webex
Chat is unsupported
GIF is downloaded as a picture
Conference internal policy appears twice in the auditing table