Requested only for Channel Management
Create a compliance administrator user that has access to all teams
Create a new user in Office 365. This user name is arbitrary, but consider that it will appear as the content creator when moving posts and files.
Give the user a license that is valid for MS Teams.
This user must not have conditional access or Multi-Factor Authentication
Assign an admin role to the new user account such as the Teams Administrator privilege:
5. This user will have access to all teams as an owner. It should not have access to any team before configuring SphereShield.
Make sure that the Office Checkbox and Teams Checkbox is ticked.
And the Inspect All Users filed set to yes.
Complete the following settings:
Internal domain list: List of your Internal domains within your tenant.
Native Application ID: 4bd3cb54-adb4-46e4-b454-16f87dac1182
Compliance Admin User: The UPN of The the user you created above.
Compliance Admin Password: the password of the Compliance Admin user.
Make sure that the user has a license for teams and is not a member of any channel/team before configuring.
Enter your details in the relevant fields and enable Channel Management. Click "Save".
Then click on the " Test azure API connection " to see if your connection is valid