Requested only for Channel Management
2- Complete the following settings:
Info |
Groups to be inspected and Internal domain list are not relevant for CM, they will disappear once you enabled CM on step E. |
If you are using MFA for the compliance admin Compliance Admin account, please follow these instructions:
Fill out in the compliance admin user filed field with your compliance admin, then change the authentication type to “Using Access Token”Token".
Click on the “CONNECT” button and that . This will open a new Microsoft login window where you can use the compliance admin Compliance Admin credentials and also the MFA.
Go back to the portal and save the changes.
E- Change the setting “Enable Channel Management For MS Teams” to Yesandclick "Save".
Then click on the " Test Azure API connection " to see if your connection is valid.
3- To check verify that the credentials are correct, you must first save the configuration has to be saved first by clicking on the Save button and then clicking the Check button:
4- Finally, you need to navigate to MS Teams Management and click on the “REFRESH TEAMS FROM API” button: