For FAQ, go here Webex deployment FAQ
Consent sign in Azure app
Register to AGAT Azure application, this is required for signing-in to the Admin Portal with your Microsoft credentials How to configure the SphereShield Azure App for Sign in and groups?
Create Webex integration
This process needs to be done with a Compliance Officer and Full admin user
Wait for AGAT to provide you with the link to your Admin Portal
Login to http://developer.webex.com/
Go to “Start Building Apps”
Image ModifiedChoose Create an Integration
Image ModifiedFill in these fields as follows. In the Redirect URL, enter the customer’s Admin Portal URL and add /account/webexauth
Image ModifiedSelect the following scopes for Webex Teams:
Expand |
spark:all spark-admin:call_memberships_read spark-admin:calls_read spark-admin:licenses_read spark-admin:organizations_read spark-admin:people_read spark-admin:people_write spark-admin:resource_group_memberships_read spark-admin:resource_group_memberships_write spark-admin:resource_groups_read spark-admin:roles_read spark-admin:call_qualities_read spark-compliance:events_read spark-compliance:memberships_read spark-compliance:memberships_write spark-compliance:messages_read spark-compliance:messages_write spark-compliance:rooms_read spark-compliance:team_memberships_read spark-compliance:team_memberships_write spark-compliance:teams_read spark-compliance:meetings_read spark-compliance:meetings_write meeting:admin_schedule_read (for eDiscovery purpose to write meeting title) meeting:admin_schedule_write (sending meeting invitee to make SphereShield Co Host in scheduled meeting) meeting:participants_write (scope for being able to expel users from scheduled meeting) meeting:admin_participants_read (scope needed to create “meetingParticipants” webhook) meeting:controls_read (scope needed to be able to request meeting recording state) meeting:controls_write (scope needed to be able to change meeting recording state) meeting:admin_preferences_write(scoped needed to be able to make Compliance officer as CoHost in PMR meeting) spark-admin:calls_write (might require escalation to Webex Support)
If you also want to use Webex Meetings add the scope: |