Note: When external site URL is left empty the Webhook will be set to the portal URL as before this change.
In order to get webhooks for Slack, need the followings:
Update the bin folder with the latest dlls
Add CasbSlackApplication version 1.2.0 on
Settings table , add “Slack” to the value of CasbCloudServices (update this row)
Update in Settings table where name is CasbSlackAccessBotToken with the encrypted bot token taken from Slack configuration
Insert to settings table an empty value for SlackBotConfigurations, if no record is found for this name
Update Slack with the new URL. Should look like https://listener-bgd15.agatdemo.com/rest/v1/casb/webhook/slack/inspect , convention is https://{your-domain}/rest/v1/casb/webhook/slack/inspect
In applicationSettings.config of the listener add this line for the BusinessGPT address
<add key="BusinessGPTApiUrl" value="https://bgd15-firewall.agatdemo.com/firewallApi/v1/chat" />