Sample URL for BGD10 environment:
Allows to send a prompt to the AI and receive a response based on some particular content or all company data
Input parameters - should be sent as JSON:
DataSource (private and public=both, public, private).
PrivateDataSource(Content, Collection, All)
PromptScopeId PrivateDataID(id of the content or the collection, not needed for All)
AIModel (optional. Default will be as for the user. Available values: GPT3_5, GPT4, WizardLM, GPT4o, GPT_4o_Mini)
ChatId (optional): If provided, the question will be added to the existing chat with an external chat ID that equals the provided value. If no chat exists, a new one will be created.
MaxWordsInAnswer (optional) - If provided it should limit the number of words in the answer. The min word limit is 5.
User (optional) - the user that has asked the question
ChatAIService (optional. Default will be BusinessGPTDashboard . Available values: ChatGPT, Gemini, BusinessGPTDashboard , MicrosoftCopilot , Cohere, Claude, SlackBot)
Context (Optional) - the context of the chat. For example, the name of the Slack channel or Word document that the prompt was used from.