BusinessGPT dashboard can be customized and branded by changing the texts of the Dashboard and Lite Mode home page as well as applying custom CSS and changing the company logo
Changing CSS
Changing logo for Lite Mode
.home-logo img {
content: url(“”) !important;
.chat-icon img, .answer-box .custom-logo {
content: url(“$xdGHlJe1gXHNGoGkBDZuENQBpxQVR9Y4q5piEDUPgjR9A9TnZvTVVc.png“) !important;
The home-logo is a logo with text that appears here in the Lite Mode home page
The chat-icon is the icon that appears near the system answers of the chat
Changing Texts
The system saved a value in “CustomTextDefined” of true or false per account for performance.
Sample JSON for custom texts
The JSON supports multiple languages. Currently, English, Spanish, Dutch, and German
You should only upload the texts you want to change. If a value is empty, the system will not show any text, therefore only include the changes needed in your account Json.
You can use HTML tags such as <BR> for new lines.
"en": {
"DashboardHomeTitle": "Welcome to our company AI chatbot ",
"DashboardHomeSubTitle": "Please ask your questions here <br>Let us know your feedback",
"he": {},
"de": {
"DashboardHomeTitle": "Willkommen bei unserem Firmen-KI-Chatbot
"DashboardHomeSubTitle": "Bitte stellen Sie hier Ihre Fragen
<br> Teilen Sie uns Ihr Feedback mit",
"es": {},
"nl": {
"DashboardHomeTitle": "nl-TITLE",
"DashboardHomeSubTitle": "nl-SUB_TITLE"