The role of the loader is to take files from a folder and upload them into the dashboard.
It runs under a service named “BusinessGPTFileLoader” and has the following configurations:
FolderPath - can be local folder or UCN
ApiKey - See here
UploadApiUrl - BusinessGPT upload service API URL- See here
PerformanceFileCount - Help: After how many files to write into the log, the performance of the total number of files and process time. Default 50.
DBPath - local path to SQLite DB file
RunningIntervalMinutes - the service scans the folder every interval for new files that were added to the folder
ReprocessAllFiles - default False. Set to True to reprocess all the files in the folder and upload them again.
Enable copilot eDiscovery data processing
CopilotDataFolderLocation - the location of the ZIP file from the eDiscovery
Notes: FolderPath must be accessible by the service. The service runs with Network Service account and is authenticated with the computer's credentials to remote servers. So if the FolderPath is a network shared folder, need to give read permissions to the computer on that folder.
Installing the service
Open cmd as administrator, go to the service installation folder, and run the following command:
>BusinessGPTFileLoader.exe install
To uninstall the service run the command:
>BusinessGPTFileLoader.exe remove
Note: Can run in console mode (not as a Windows Service) with the command:
>BusinessGPTFileLoader.exe console
How it work
Error handling
In an upload error, the loader marks the record as failed in the status.
In addition, you can configure to retry all failed by changing the configuration “RetryAllFailed,” which requires a restart of the service. Once restarted and configured to retry all, the service will mark all failed records at the first attempt
The service includes an SQL Light DB as part of the installation.
In next version, the service will update the ContentSourceName in the content info table to be “FileLoader” and the ContentSourceIP to the host's IP from which the service is running.
Measuring performance
The File uploader sends each document to the Firewall API. Once the Firewall API inserts the document into the content list, it returns to the loader to get the next file.
Based on AGAT typical files, it takes around 0.2 sec for a file
So, if you have 10,000 files, it would take around 0.5 hours.
Syncing performance to the dashboard
Every time (based on PrefromanceFileCount ), the service will write the performance into the log.
createdBy: File Loader (IP of the host machine)
Installing the service
Open cmd as administrator, go to the service installation folder, and run the following command:
>BusinessGPTFileLoader.exe install
To uninstall the service run the command:
>BusinessGPTFileLoader.exe remove
Note: Can run in console mode (not as a Windows Service) with the command:
>BusinessGPTFileLoader.exe console
Online tool for SQLite database access
You can see a list of DB tables and run SQL queries like SELECT/UPDATE/etc.
Copilot Auditing
When configured to process copilot- the file uploader can process the results of a manual export of the eDiscovery prompts.