Te dashboard database will be deployed on Gateway server. Make sure you’ve deployed Gateway server /wiki/spaces/SKYP/pages/3063808004
1. Deploy a Win server instanse\Vm
2. Run BG Installer
a. Database configuration
Sign in to Microsoft Azure Portal.In
LP, search for "BusinessGPT - agatdemo azure app".Look for the Azure integration you create How to create an Azure integration with BusinessGPT
Go to portal.azure.com and add the following URLs to redirect URLs of Business GPT app:
Code Block https://{BG_DASHBOARD_DOMAIN}/AzureAccount/Login https://{BG_DASHBOARD_DOMAIN}/api/businessgpt/AzureAuthCallbackConsent
Update the client ID and secret in the following script.
Execute the following SQL script:
Code Block language sql UPDATE TOP(1) SETTINGS SET Value = 'CHANGE_THIS_CLIENT_ID' WHERE [Name] = 'BG_AzureAppClientId' UPDATE TOP(1) SETTINGS SET Value = 'CHANGE_THIS_CLIENT_SECRET' WHERE [Name] = 'BG_AzureAppClientSecret'
4. Setting up Azure Integration for Sign In App (used for groups membership)
Sign in to Microsoft Azure Portal as agatsaas admin (admin@agatsaasagatsolutions.onmicrosoft.com)
Search for application “AGAT CASB API and Proxy - Sign In App” (06a76530-aa6b-44e4-bb16-f7c275a6f8e6) and add the following URL to redirect URLs of the application:
Code Block https://{BG_DASHBOARD_DOMAIN}/MyMeetings/AzureConsented
5. Setting up Google Integration for BusinessGPT app
In LP, search for one of below (production or dev)
Sign in to Google Cloud Console, select your project (based on production or dev from picture above), and go to Credentials:
https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentialsFind your Client ID under OAuth 2.0 Client IDs and add the following URL under Authorized redirect URIs:
Code Block https://{BG_DASHBOARD_DOMAIN}/GoogleAccount/Login https://{BG_DASHBOARD_DOMAIN}/MyMeetings/GoogleAuth
Update the client ID and secret in the following SQL script and execute it in the database:
Code Block language sql UPDATE TOP(1) SETTINGS SET [Value] = 'CHANGE_THIS_CLIENT_ID' WHERE [Name] = 'BG_GoogleAppClientId' UPDATE TOP(1) SETTINGS SET [Value] = 'CHANGE_THIS_CLIENT_SECRET' WHERE [Name] = 'BG_GoogleAppClientSecret'
6. Setting up Google Integration using FireBase - Obsolete
7. Configure System Settings