Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

To learn about who receives which notification go here

Details for customer messages

Below is a list of parameters that can be used to configure EW notifications:

{NEW_LINE} - new line
{MESSAGE_TYPE} - The operation that was blocked: Chat, Audio, Video, FileSharingFile Sharing, Conference, PresentDesktopPresent Desktop, Meeting etc. Meeting is returned when audio is done on conference.
{FROM_USER} - user that initiated the operation that was blocked
{TO_USER} - user/users that were the recipients of the blocked operation
{TEAM} - name of conversation that was received by Webhook. For Webex the value always will be “call”, for Teams the value will be the team name.
{POLICY} - name of violated EW policy
{OPERATION_TIME} - time the EW violation received and was sent to auditing
{APPLICATION_AUDIT_MESSAGE} message from the application IF available including more info why the operation was blocked. For example the other user that was not allowed with the communication
{INCIDENT_ID} - Unique identifier of the incident generated by the filter

{linkStart} {linkEnd}- Mark start and end of Link

Example messages:

The system has blocked user {FROM_USER} from {MESSAGE_TYPE} at {OPERATION_TIME} due to the company policy {POLICY} {NEW_LINE}

For further help please contact support with the following incident id: {INCIDENT_ID}
More information available here more {linkStart}{linkEnd}


Admin notification: {MESSAGE_TYPE} from {FROM_USER} to {TO_USER} was blocked by Policy {POLICY}.
Remove user from Team: {FROM_USER} was removed from {TEAM} because of policy {POLICY}
User notification: {POLICY}.{NEW_LINE}Event details:{NEW_LINE}The operation {MESSAGE_TYPE} from {FROM_USER} to {TO_USER} was blocked at {OPERATION_TIME}
