Release date
8- Dec - 2020
What new?
Admin Portal v5.6.5.2
Teams Protector v1.2.5.0
Ethical wall engine
MNTS (Maintenance service)
New entity - Meeting info.
In eDiscovery a new entity of meeting info is build if Proxy is configured to audit all traffic and not only blocked traffic
The meeting record is created by the MNTS , running in the frequency set by the routing timer (By default every 15 min) that can be changed in the MNTS settings.
The meeting record has a new icon in the eDiscovery list.
The meeting mainly includes the list of participants that were part of the meeting. Even if a user was for short time he will be included
The participants list is divided between managed and others. Managed are users that are controlled by the Proxy.
Participants list include link to Auditing record to understand all of the policies applied
Clear auditing info
Now auditing contains :
List of policies that were relevant to the users
The rules of each policy (chat allowed, Block audio etc)
The user that caused the block operation and policy that caused it
Link to eDiscovery record
If a user is blocked he will appear in the eDiscovery user list in red.
More info on Auditing can be found here
More details added to calculation list
Accessed time
Policy Type
Calculation source (-EW engine done by the MNTS or Portal done in real time when asked by the Proxy)
Local groups - the groups that the user is a member of that are related to the policy set
End user extended info
A read more link in the popup now includes information on why the operation was blocked
Details on the policies that were returned
Event ID to communicate with Help Desk to get more information with the auditing
Event ID
Each block operation includes an Event ID that is displayed to the end user
HD can search in auditing by event ID
End user IM
System can be configured to display IM with the block info
IM is sent to end user and meeting organizer (only when join operation is blocked and not for example in block desktop sharing)
Pop up and IM sent to user
Block screen sharing details:
Block joining meeting details:
IM sample message :
Audit all allow activities
Filter will now write also allowed operation of
Joining meeting (currently identified as Audio in meeting)
Desktop sharing
Clear information on users that were allowed into a meeting in the auditing
Every user joining a meeting is represented in an Audio record in the auditing
Details on which policies were applied
Screen sharing now monitored in Auditing
Both block and allow
New icon for screen sharing
Allowed records are copied to eDiscovery to give full visibility of all activities
. Video sharing now monitored in Auditing
Both block and allow
Allowed records are copied to eDiscovery to give full visibility of all activities
Send IM does not require any write permissions.
Implemented using a BOT
improve Portal page load performance
Description of External users was change to “List of external users that have communicated with internal managed users” for better understanding
Performance improvements for stress done in the TP Filter to handle mass traffic
Add Conversation Scope to eDiscovery Session View - Meeting , Channel, P2P Chat, Group chat, Call
Managed users are marked in the users list
Added the ability to search managed users . Read more on users here
Remove "events" field in eDiscovery table from Conversation details and content when not relevant (meetings, Audio…). Events is used for number of messages in chat or transcript
Changed PSTN and Anonymous user display:
Meeting organizer info available in auditing when operation is block and the type it Audio (=joining meeting) This value is used to send IM including the block operation