.home-logo img {
content: url(“https://agatsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/AGAT-LOGO-1.png”) !important;
}.chat-icon img, .answer-box .custom-logo {
content: url(“https://storage.googleapis.com/clean-finder-353810/$xdGHlJe1gXHNGoGkBDZuENQBpxQVR9Y4q5piEDUPgjR9A9TnZvTVVc.png“) !important;
The home-logo is a logo with text that appears here in the Lite Mode home page
.home-logo img {
content: url(“https://agatsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/AGAT-LOGO-1.png”) !important;
Changing logo for Dashboard home page
.home-logo img {
content: url(“https://agatsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/AGAT-LOGO-1.png”) !important;}
Changing the Dashboard header color
You should only upload the texts you want to change. If a value is empty, the system will not show any text, therefore only include the changes needed in your account Json.
You can use HTML tags such as <BR> for new lines.
"en": {
"DashboardHomeTitle": "Welcome to our company AI chatbot ",
"DashboardHomeSubTitle": "Please ask your questions here <br>Let Let us know your feedback",
"he": {},
"de": {
"DashboardHomeTitle": "Willkommen bei unserem Firmen-KI-Chatbot
"DashboardHomeSubTitle": "Bitte stellen Sie hier Ihre Fragen
<br> Teilen Sie uns Ihr Feedback mit",
"es": {},
"nl": {
"DashboardHomeTitle": "nl-TITLE",
"DashboardHomeSubTitle": "nl-SUB_TITLE"