We separate the Webhook listener from the Admin Portal because we need to open access from the outside to Microsoft , so now customers can installed in the DMZ of the Organization.
Enable IIS on target machine
Copy all the content from the zip file (from the payload) into new folder: \fs\share\Build Versions\Production\SphereShield.Listener
Create new site in the IIS manager and set the Physical path to new folder created.
Create an https url for this site , then Microsoft could be send event to the site.
Set ConnectionString and IV / KEY and Webhook certificate in the Configuration folder
The logs will write in this location: C:\Agat\Logs\ListenerSite
Run the site and you should see this Welcome page:
Connection Check
Url: /api/Heartbeat
Method: GET
Good Response: 200 “
I am alive.... :-)
“bad Response: 404
Admin Portal configuration
A new setting was added to the Cloud Service Integration section:
Need to Enter the URL of the Webhook site created.
Note: When external site url is left empty the Webhook will be set to the portal url as before this change.