The public API is exposed as part of the BusinessGPT Firewall.
The API allows sending requests to AI service through HTTP requests.
Each user has a unique API key to authenticate the API. The API key is viewed on the User Settings page in the dashboard. You need to copy it and send in the request.
Chat service - POST request
Allows to send prompt to the AI and receive response based on some particular content or all company data
Input parameters - should be sent as JSON:
PromptScope (Content, Collection, All)
PromptScopeId (id of the content of the collection, not needed for All)
AIModel (optional. Default will be as for the user. Available values: GPT3_5, GPT4)
ChatId (optional): If provided, the question will be added to the existing chat with an external chat ID that equals the provided value. If no chat exists, a new one will be created.
Output - for HTTP status OK (200):
In case of error, it will return an error message.
Attached is the Postman collection with example requests.