Issue: Unable to log into the portal

If you are not able to log into the portal, verify the user is part of the groups or users defined in Site Security section


If nothing is set. all users should have access but if groups and users are set- a match must be found to allow sign in. Group membership is checked against Active Directory live and not using local tables.

To verify that the user is a member of the groups set, you can use the following:


In some cases you may be locked out because of setting saved that do not allow you to sign in and change them. Please refer here to solve this:

For cloud - Portal user locked out - Unlock Site Security for a SaaS client

For skype: Unlocking Site Security from the database

Portal Logs location

To find the location of your logs please open log4net.config file in the portal configuration folder:

and view the value of file parameter of RollingFileAppender: