Ldap Utility

Whenever we wish to test the customer ability to connect to the AD and get Users and Groups we can use this utility.
The utility is found in:



  1. Active directory path. For example:
    GC://fabrikam.com:3269/DC=fabrikam,DC=com (LDAPS)
    LDAP://fabrikam.com:636/CN=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com (LDAPS)
  2. UPN format username (user@domain.com). The user does not need to have special permissions and may be a non-administrative user.
  3. Username Password
  4. You can choose from 3 bind methods:
    1. Simple Bind
    2. Negotiate
    3. Negotiate with signing and sealing
  5. Username to search
  6. Check if the username is the specified group.

***If you are using this tool inside the LAN the membership field is not relevant***
***The 'in DMZ' checkbox is not relevant and therefore should not be used***

The tool can be download from here:
