What to check before installing SphereShield for SfB?

SQL Database 
  • Verify you are using a full version of SQL server (2008 and up)
  • Verify that there is a SQL User with SA level permissions.
  • Verify that all other machines (Bastion Host, Edge Server, Web Server) could connect to the SQL server over the port you have chosen for the database.
  • if you are using Windows Server 2012 R2 and above, we recommend using the Test-NetConnection power-shell command to verify the ports are open. 

Bastion Certificates

  • Verify that the certificates are installed on the bastion host
  • Verify that the certificates contain the private key
  • Verify that the required SANs are included in the certificate
  • If there is a load balancer before the Bastion, verify that it trusts the CA signing the certificate
  • If there is an SSL terminator before the Bastion, verify they publish a valid certificate
  • We recommend using SSL Labs to validate the external certificate: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html

Frameworks and Utilities

  • Verify that .Net 3.5 is installed on all machines used by SphereShield for SfB (for our LogExpert tools)
  • Verify that .Net 4.6.2 is installed on all machines that will run AGAT SphereShield for SfB SIP Filter (FE/Edge)
  • Verify Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code is installed on all machines

Admin Portal Web API

  • When installing components that will enforce a feature that will require the Admin Portal Web API (for example, running Ethical Wall on the Edge), verify that the Edge Server has access to the Admin Portal Web Server over HTTP.


To provide the highest level of support we need to understand your requirements and environment.  For this purpose, please fill in the following questionnaire and return to us.

If your requirements include admin control please fill the following: http://agatsoftware.com/downloads/docs/D4413-SkypeShieldDeploymentQuestionnaire.docx?nocache=1

If you requirements are only EW / DLP please fill the following: https://agatsoftware.com/downloads/docs/D6651-EthicalWallDeploymentQuestionnaire.docx?nocache=1

You must send the questionnaires before the initial session with the technical services team. 
Please send the questionnaires to: Support@agatsoftware.com