What happens to Ethical wall on SIP Filter Failure?

There are a few scenarios in which the SIP Filter for the Ethical Wall can fail.
The following list addresses the cause and solution or potential workarounds for each scenario:
  • SIP Filter service crash: In the case the SIP Filter service crashes and stays down the Edge/FE server will behave as if the SIP Filter was never installed. This means that all SIP traffic will be allowed and the behavior of the product will stay the same.
Workaround: When installing the SIP Filter a "CsServerApplication" record is set as part of the Skype for Business topology. When setting this "CsServerApplication" it can be set that the parameter "Critical" will be set to 'True'. This configuration means that it is mandatory for the server to have the "SIP Filter" service up and running to start and it will refuse to start when the service is down.
  • Database connectivity lost: When the SIP Filter service was able to start (hence it was able to connect to the database during start up) but it loses connectivity to the database/Admin Portal web Service/both while running it will apply whatever it had cached in its memory. If the SIP Filter encounters a communication which has no appropriate cached policy that applies to it saved, the default policy will apply instead of calculating a new policy. This default policy is copied at start up from the database, so if the service is able to start it has a copy of the default policy.