Filters to support encryption when connecting to MSSQL

This page is relevant to any filter

There is an option to connect the DB over SSL, you can read more here

While in our .NET code , it's enough to add the tag of encrypt to the connection string , it's not the case for our C++ code (

These are the steps that should be done (assuming that the SQL Server already supports SSL)

Run this process on your Windows machine (where Bastion runs): c:\windows\system32\odbcad32.exe

Click on "System DSN" tab, then on Add button

Choose "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server" and then on Finish

In the name field put "AgatFilterODBC" and then fill all the others fields

Finish everything and use test connectivity

Go to Teams_Protector.xml and change the connection string to 

<db connStr="Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=AgatFilterODBC; User ID=**; Password=***;encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no" cursorType="adUseServer"/>

Please note that you should use here the words yes/no instead of true/false for encrypt/TrustServerCertificate