Ethical Wall / LDAP Connection Not Working After Admin Portal Upgrade

Take note whether, after upgrading the Admin Portal, the Ethical Wall doesn’t seem to pull any more policies, and the SIP filter’s “Lync.DD-MM-YYYY.log” log contains the following errors:

“Error while decrypting Password for policy web service, check that AES-KEY and AES-IV in the config file are the same as in the AccessPortal configuration file. Padding is invalid and cannot be removed..”


“Error retrieving the policy for the user and the federated domain The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. Error: at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)”

Or, alternatively, the following error appears in the Admin Portal website:

The error means that the Admin Portal AES Key and IV has been changed from its previous setting. In order to fix this issue, there are two options:

  • Switching back the ‘ApplicationSettings.config’ file in the Admin Portal if there is a backup of the old one. (Or, alternatively, copy and paste the values from one file to another by opening it with Notepad.)
  • Setting the LDAP connection string and SIP filters, which includes adjusting the YAML file’s connection string, AES key, and AES IV (initialization vector), which all need to be refreshed. (Note that AGAT recommends using the connection string from an empty YAML file. To ensure correctness of the connection string, the existing YAML file will have the connection string encrypted, and therefore unusable.)