SIP Filter doesn't start and throws errors about Admin Portal Web API

The Ethical Wall Engine is the part of our product which calculates and applies Ethical Wall policies. 

When the SIP Filter is installed on the Edge and the Ethical Wall is configured to run from the Edge the SIP Filter component on the Edge will communicate with the Web API (which is in the Admin Portal site). When setting these up some things can go wrong. Check the "EthicalWallPolicyEngine" log to see the responses of the API. 

In some case, you can see errors when SIP Filter tries to load the Ethical wall engine: 

  • validate IV + Key  in the YAML file that is taken from the Admin Portal server is correct

ErrorMessageWhat to do
401 Authentication

Validate IV + KEY in the .yaml file that is taken from the Admin Portal server is correct
Domain Username or password in site security could be wrong.
After validating IV + KEY make sure to input domain username and password again

403 AuthorizationAdmin Portal Rest API
web services are disabled
The API web service is disabled. Enable it the site security page of the Admin Portal
403 AuthorizationYour server is not registered in
Admin Portal site
If you put server name in Admin Portal site security setting: Allowed Web Service API Clients Computer Name, validate the server name
is correct. Leaving it blank means that there is no hostname restriction on the API
The operation has
timed out

validate IV + KEY in the .yaml file that is taken from the Admin Portal