How to manually install AGAT SphereShield Service Agent (SIP Filter Agent)?

Sometimes we want to install the AGAT SphereShield Service Agent (formerly known as SIP Filter Agent) manually. In this article, we are going to learn how to install it.



Copy the AGAT SphereShield Service Agent from the ‘payload' folder to the service folder.

Service location in the payload folder is:

C:\Agat\SphereShield.Setup<package number>\Payload\Tools\SphereShieldServiceAgent

In the AGAT SphereShield Service Agent folder open CMD and type the following command:

AgatSphereShieldServiceAgent.exe install



The AGAT SphereShield Service Agent works with ‘Local System’ permissions.



The AGAT SphereShield Service Agent configuration file is called 'AgatSphereShieldServiceAgent.config'


Configurations values:

  1. LogFileFullName - The path of the AGAT SphereShield Agent event logs.

  2. LogFileMaxSize - Defines the maximum size of the log file before the agent will clear out and create a new log.

  3. LogFileLevel - The severity level of the logs generated by the agent.

  4. EventLogLevel - The severity of the logs sent to the event viewer.

  5. ServiceName - The service which we will want to monitor (in most cases we will leave it as it is).

  6. ServiceRestartTimeoutSeconds - How long should the agent for a restart to complete. If the service is not able to start, the agent will create an event for manual operation to be done.

  7. SMTP configurations for emails:

    • SMTP_HostName - SMTP server Address.

    • SMTP_Port - the port the SMTP server is listening on.

    • SMTP_AccountUsername - Sender Address for the AGAT SphereShield Service Agent.

    • SMTP_AccountPassword - If SMTP requires authentication, this is the password for the sender account.

    • SMTP_RequiresSsl - Change to True if the SMTP server requires TLS/SSL.

    • SMTP_RequiresAuthentication - Change to True if the SMTP server requires authentication.

    • SMTP_MailSubject - The subject of the notification email that will be sent

    • SMTP_MailBody -Content that will be in the body of the notification email

    • SMTP_MailRecipient - Administrator e-mail to receive notifications from the Bastion Agent.

    • SMTP_Sending_Frequency - The frequency in which a mail notification will be sent.
      This value is dependent on MonitorFrquencySeconds. If MonitorFrquencySeconds is set to 30 and SMTP_Sending_Frequency to 10,
      an email will be sent once an issue was detected and an additional one every 30X10 = 5 min.

  8. ConnectionStringTemplate - Copy this template to the connection string below and populate the needed information accordingly
    Template: "Data Source=[SQLSERVER];Initial Catalog=[DataBaseName];Persist Security Info=True;User ID=[username];Password=[password]" />

  9. ConnectionString - Set the connection string to the database to gain full functionality of the AGAT SphereShield Service Agent

Uninstalling the AGAT SphereShield Service Agent

To uninstall the AGAT SphereShield Service Agent run the following command:

AgatSphereShieldServiceAgent.exe uninstall