How to utilize Channel Management

In this article, we are going to go over the various features of the Channel Management

To control that only teams which the logged user is a member of will be displayed - use site security settings

Manage your teams from “MS Teams Management”









  1. All operations can be applied to public and private channels.
    In the UI you will see a lock icon indicating that the channel is private.

2. When invoking an action all the content including tabs such as Wiki, Planner, and OneNote will be moved







Removes the channel from the current team and add to the specified one.


Keeps the channel in the current team and copy it to a new team.


Combines the content of 2 channels.


Moves the channel to a team named ‘Archiving Team’. If the doesn’t exist it will be created. If it’s full, it will create another.


Moves a channel from 'Archiving Team’ to its original team.

Operations on channels with files that exceed 2GB are not supported

Moving Channels

  1. Click the manage button next to the source Team.

  2. Check all the channels that you want to transfer and click the move button.


  3. Set the destination team and click continue

  4. You can view the process of the transfer by going to the auditing tab of the source/target team


Archiving Channels

  1. Click the manage button next to the required Team.

  2. Check all the channels that you want to archive and click the archive button.


  3. Confirm the change

  4. Once completed successfully you should the channel added to a team named ‘Team for Archiving’


Exporting Channels

  • Before exporting a channel make sure that notification setting is configured. If the mail server you choose requires SSL then choose “Yes” in “Outgoing mail (SMTP) server requires SSL”. Outgoing username and password: your credentials on the server you choose Admin notification email recipient: email address for security notifications


  • Click the manage button next to the Team.

  • Check all the channels that you want to export and click the export button.

  • Once completed successfully, the logged-in user should receive an Email with the messages attached as a PDF.


  • Sometimes when moving channels you will be asked to click on the destination channel Files tab. Please go to the new channel that was created on the destination team and click on the Files tab


  • Sometimes our service couldn’t add the Compliance Admin to a new channel. In this case, if you will try an action on this channel, you will be asked to go to this channel and add the Compliance Admin.

Restoring a Channel

  1. Search for a team name ‘Archiving Team’ and click manage.
    You might see more than 1.


  2. Select the channels that you want to restore and click restore

Merging Channels

  1. Click the manage button next to the required team

  2. Check all the channel that you want to merge and click merge

  3. Set the destination team and channel