Ethical Wall - MS Teams Proxy - how it works


  1. Sharing a pasted picture, including a screenshot in a chat is considered sharing a file by the EW.


  1. In meetings there are two lists of participants:

    1. General Participants: Users invited to the meeting, connected to the meeting or previously connected to the meeting. These users can participate in the meeting chat, download shared files and in some cases are able to connect to the meeting at any time without organizer approval.

      General Participants
    2. Connected Participants: These users are currently participating in the meeting and may be connected to the audio/video conversation and able to see and control screen sharing by other participants.

      Connected Participants are show as “In this meeting”. General Participants are shown as “Others from chat”
  2. EW for chat messages takes into account General Participants, as these are the users able to see chat messages, even if they aren’t connected to the meeting.

  3. For audio, video and screen sharing, only the Connected Participants are taken into account.