How to change Bastion\Teams-Protector log level without restarting the service?


  1. Open "C:\Agat\Bastion\Bastion.xml"

  2. Scroll down to <logging>,<main>,<severity>


Update the severity to either:

info - not recommended in production environments

xtrace - recommended for production environments

debug - recommended only when investigating issues

Save the file


  1. Open "C:\Agat\Bastion\filters\fw_proxy\Teams_Protector.xml"

  2. Scroll down to <logging>,<main>,<severity>


Update the severity to either:

info - not recommended in production environments

xtrace - recommended for production environments

debug - recommended only when investigating issues

Save the file

Update log level without restarting services

  1. Open the browser on the Bastion Host

  2. Type http://localhost:<port>/updatelogs) (the port will be the one that Bastion is listening on)

  3. The log level should be updated.