What are the Proxy Settings Required for SphereShield for MS Teams?


function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { var ignorelist = new Array( "secure.aadcdn.microsoftonline-p.com", "statics.teams.microsoft.com"); var proxylist = new Array( "^[^.]+.sharepoint.com", "^[^.]+.sharepointonline.com", "teams.microsoft.com", "^[^.]+.teams.microsoft.com", "^[^.]+.ng.msg.teams.microsoft.com", "pipe.skype.com", "^[^.]+.notifications.teams.microsoft.com", "^[^.]+.asyncgw.teams.microsoft.com", "^[^.]+.agatskype.net", "^[^.]+.msgapi.teams.microsoft.com" ); // Check if need to ignore for (var i = 0; i < ignorelist.length; i++) { var value = ignorelist[i]; if (dnsDomainIs(host, value)) { return "DIRECT"; } } // Return our proxy name for matched domains/hosts for (var i = 0; i < proxylist.length; i++) { var value = proxylist[i]; if (shExpMatch(host, value)) { return "PROXY <**** BASTION SERVER IP ****>"; } } return "DIRECT"; }

You should configure your machines to use these proxy settings. It could be configured using Proxy chaining or a PAC file.

If you are using the PAC file make sure it is placed on a web server.