Refund Policy

General Introduction:

SphereShield offers different solutions for Governance, Compliance, Security, Management and Productivity for a number of UC Platforms such as Skype, MS Teams, Cisco Webex, Zoom, Slack. AGAT offers the ability to try each of the SphereShield Products. The MS Teams Channel Management product has a free unlimited Trial Version where the customer has a hands-on experience with the solution in a live office 365 environment. Moreover, all of the other solutions that SphereShield offers have the option of a PoC in accordance with AGAT`s PoC procedure.


When is a refund applicable?

Refunds are applicable in accordance with these two scenarios:

• The product does not accomplish what has been documented, whether on the website or in any official AGAT Documentation. All information about the solutions is available on and .

• AGAT`s technical support team has updated the customer that the issue will not be fixed in a reasonable time frame.


Compensation and Refunds

If any/all these conditions apply, an employee of AGAT will begin the refunding process upon request. In the case that the issue affected the ability to use the product in an effective way, AGAT will compensate the customer with an appropriate extension of the subscription in relation to the subscription period