BusinessGPT Slack chatbot

You can configure BusinessGPT chatbot to be available as a Slack bot from Slack channels.

How to add the bot

To add the bot to a channel - simply mention the bot name in any channel in the following way:


After this, Slack will offer to add the bot to the channel.




Bot commands

/?- show end-user help

/config - show admin help on how to configure the bot

/setBotConfiguration- configure the bot

/getBotConfiguration- show existing configuration


How to configure the Bot

Next you need to configure the Bot with the chat scope and other parameters explained below:





The configuration is saved in the setting under the value “SlackBotConfigurations” and contains a JSON with a list of all channels and, for each channel, the relevant values (scop. id etc)


The bot will send the following parameters:


Channel name

User name

AI service = SlackBot

Bot help

The bot supports help by typing businessGPT/?

Once asking for help, the bot shows the following text:

Welcome to your BusinessGPT Slack bot!

Bot Overview
[Show the help that is configured in the setup text]

Bot data source knowledge base

The bot's data sources are configured by the admin who set it up.

The bot can be configured to give answers by one of the following options:


  1. Both -The bot will first try to answer based on the content configured by the user who set it up. If it does not manage to answer, it will try to answer using public pre-trained knowledge.

  2. Public- Get answers from pre-trained public knowledge only and not search for company private data. For better performance when, you know you don’t need company data.

  3. Prviate - Get answers only from the private company data that was configured for the bot

To change the data source, type one of the above options based on the following example:

@BusinessGPT /public write a Python script to generate random numbers


Data source Notes

  1. Use public when possible to speed up the answer and give better answers.

  2. When set to Private, the bot will suggest using public if it does not find the answer.

  3. When set to both, the bot will indicate the source so the user can understand whether the answer was from public or private data.


For admin help, please type

@BusinessGPT /config


Admin help:

Once typing /config, the user will see the following text

Admin help:
To set up the bot, you need access to the BusinessGPT dashboard to get the values needed.

First, you need to upload the content to the dashboard. You can configure the bot to answer
on a single item or a collection.

To get the collection or content item, click three times on the line of the item.

To get your APIKey , go to user > settings and copy the key value

Configuring the Bot

To set the values, type the following text (all parameters are case insensitive)

To set the values, type the following text:
@BusinessGPT /setBotConfiguration DataSource=(both,private,public PrviateDataSource=(content/collection/all) , PrivateDataID =<ID>, APIKey=<Key> ,ChatName=<name> Help=”Your text for end-user”

For example

@BusinessGPT /setBotConfiguration DataSource=private PrviateDataSource=content, PrivateDataID=XXX , APIKey=YYYY , ChatName=ZZZZ, help=You can ask questions based on our Jira and confluence technical documentation. This bot, by default, will only answer based on the company’s private data.


Viewing bot configuration

To review the existing value type

@BusinessGPT /getBotConfiguration

More help

Read here for more help: