Managing users and groups
There are two methods for creating groups in BusinessGPT:
Synchronizing groups from Active Directory
Manually creating groups within the dashboard
Synchronizing groups from Active Directory
To synchronize groups from Active Directory, the Account Admin must log in to the Dashboard and navigate to Account Management > Account Settings
Under "Azure Integration," the Account Admin must click on "Consent Permissions" and approve Microsoft's permissions. Please note that the user must be an Admin of the Account in Azure.
In the final result, the user should see the following text: "Azure permissions were consented."
Then, the Admin should click Save at the bottom of the page.
Manually creating groups within the dashboard
Under the Account Management > Users and Groups page, the Account Admin should click on NEW GROUP.
Now, The Admin types the group name and the email addresses of all its members.
The administrator clicks on "Create," and a new group is added to the dashboard
Users and Groups page
On this page, The Admin can view the group to which each user belongs, as well as the group type.
Internal – Groups that were manually created within the dashboard.
External – Groups that were synchronized from Azure.
SharePointSite – Groups that were created in SharePoint and synchronized with the dashboard