Released date: 24-Mar-2021
System Compatibility: Microsoft Teams Proxy
System components versions:
AP version
Casb Adapter 3.2.2
MS Office Application
TP (new)
SphereShield.InternalServicesAPI 1.0.0 (new)
Installer 1.7.4
Important to know:
For performance improvements, a new component is now required - SphereShield.InternalServicesAPI . Currently needs to be installed manually until the release of installer 1.7.8
Main changes
New features
Improved EW Logs in TP
End desktop sharing when someone joins who isn't permitted to view it
Bugs fixes
Fix for popup not being shown when file share blocked
Fix for file share in meeting for the permitted sender
Identify bots so that they aren't included in EW calculations
Remove EW checks on incoming desktop sharing
Fixed issue with EW cache returning incorrect policy direction
EW assorted fixes
Support Teams client breaking changes March 2021
DLP & EW working with new Rest API - RestApiPolicyEngine - – fix IIS CPU issue
Write into Auditing even when from/to fields are empty
Known Issues:
Known issue: users can stop recording even when it been forced
Known issue: not handling well with UDP components when it's incoming traffic