Integration with Webex Meeting Meetings offers the ability to get the recordings from Webex and analyze and/or store them detached from the Webex data center.
The product offers the ability to choose if recording should be archived in SphereShield or left in the Webex data center only.
Image 1 - eDiscovery Settings
Performing recording analysis is also a configurable capability that is not required in order to work with archiving. You can configure the product to analyze recording with DLP / Ethic wall.Ethical Wall.
Image 2 - Recording Analysis Settings
SphereShield supports both NBR and restAPI integration.
Getting recording recordings is done by using Webex API for the recordings that were done and available in Webex.
Recording can be enforced natively using Webex configuration See here. The product does not perform the recoding of the user , but relays relies on getting recording from Webex.
Recording Recordings are stored in the DB of SphereShield that can be hosted or on prem.
All company recoding recordings can be searched by compliance admin using meta data metadata such as title, dates, participants etc. Searching the content is possible if transcript is enabled.
Image 3 - Advanced Search
Image 4 - List of recorded meetings including metadata and transcript
Setting access to the eDiscovery where searches are done can be based on AD groups.
The eDiscovery plays the video from the DB but also includes a link to the original location from Webex with the password needed.
Image 4 - Video viewable in Admin Portal
Image 5 - Link to Video in Webex
Using restAPI includes transcript if enabled in Webex. If non supported languages are needed, SphereShield can offer to preform perform the transcript with external engines supported supporting dozens of languages
Getting Webex transcript requires the integration to use restAPI.
Network Diagram
Traffic goes from device to Webex Cloud
SphereShield communicates with Webex using API’s
Communication is archived in database and accessed through the admin portal
The SphereShield CASB Service, database and portal can be hosted or deployed on prem.