-You can configure BusinessGPT chatbot to be available as a Slack bot from Slack channels.
API Key- the is the key of the user that has created the BGT bot. To get the Key go to the user settings in the BGD. see here: https://agatsoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VA/pages/3284697089/BusinessGPT+Public+API+for+integration#Getting-API-KEY
DataSource (private and public=both, public, private). This is currently set by default to “Company and public” and can be overwritten by the user, so it does not need to be configured.
PrivateDataSource(Content-item, Collection, All)
Note that if you allow all, any user in the channel can get answers from all the content you have permission to.PrivateDataID (The ID of the content or the collection, not needed for All)
AIModel (optional. Default will be as for the user. Available values: GPT3_5, GPT4)
ChatId (optional): If provided, the question will be added to the existing chat with an external chat ID equal to the provided value. If no chat exists, a new one will be created.
ChatName (optional)- the name of the chat that appears in the auditing