Title: | High Availability and Disaster Recovery | |
Owner: | Agat Support | |
Creator: | Agat Support | Jul 08, 2019 |
Last Changed by: | Agat Support | Jul 15, 2019 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://agatsoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EgBvIQ | |
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Children (8)
Do the SphereShield components themselves manage High Availability and DR?
What component is more crucial to have in High Availability? Admin Portal Database or the Admin Portal Web Application?
What about DNS load balancing?
How can we achieve High Availability of SphereShield for SfB servers?
How is Disaster Recovery possible?
What special requirements are there when using HA with SphereShield credentials?
When deploying high-availability (HA) between the Edge server’s SIP Filter and the Admin Portal’s web services, is session stickiness required?
How to Maintain High Availability for Meetings and Lyncdiscover when working with Bastion and Multiple Pools
Do the SphereShield components themselves manage High Availability and DR?
What component is more crucial to have in High Availability? Admin Portal Database or the Admin Portal Web Application?
What about DNS load balancing?
How can we achieve High Availability of SphereShield for SfB servers?
How is Disaster Recovery possible?
What special requirements are there when using HA with SphereShield credentials?
When deploying high-availability (HA) between the Edge server’s SIP Filter and the Admin Portal’s web services, is session stickiness required?
How to Maintain High Availability for Meetings and Lyncdiscover when working with Bastion and Multiple Pools
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