We separate the Webhook listener from the Admin Portal because we need to open access from the outside to Microsoft. This Listener Server can be installed in the DMZ of the organization.
Enable IIS on target machine (all the checkboxes)
Copy all the content from the zip file (from the payload) into new folder: \fs\share\Build Versions\Production\SphereShield.Listener
Replace these files with the ones from AccessPortal folder:
Create new site in the IIS manager and set the Physical path to new folder created.
Create an https url for this site , then Microsoft could be send event to the site.
Set ConnectionString and IV / KEY and Webhook certificate in the Configuration folder
The logs will write in this location: C:\Agat\Logs\ListenerSite
Run the site and you should see this Welcome page:
In IIS Manager, open Application Pools
open Advanced Settings of your portal
set “Load User Profile” to “True”
Connection Check
Url: /api/Heartbeat
Method: GET
Good Response: 200 “
I am alive.... :-)
“bad Response: 404
Admin Portal configuration
A new setting was added to the Cloud Service Integration section:
Need to Enter the URL of the Webhook site created.
Note: When external site url is left empty the Webhook will be set to the portal url as before this change.