SkypeShield PKG 4.4.27 Release Notes
Release date: 15-June-2021
System Compatibility: SFB 2015/2019
Important to Know:
This package is replaced by 4.4.28
Updated infra to .net 4.7.2
System Components Versions:
Sip: 3.1.12
Fixes and Changes:
Bugfix- prevent the critical state from entering a loop if it throws an error
Fixes User’s leaving a meeting when sharing his screen causing problems in other user that sharing screens
Small Performance Improvement
Updated for both regular Debugging and Trace, the header and footer of the log to contain version and log level
Added key and iv correctness condition to RiskEngineProvider API, to prevent locking out the user if Key & IV are bad
Added user name length limit to 115 as limited by Skype
Partially hashed cache key for geofencing
Added DB Connection Testing in the log, for when DB becomes unavailable. Runs in every failed query or SF ping time
Added service stopping when start fail
Added logo in log