Is there a way to re-create the SQL service user used by SphereShield for SfB's components to communicate to the Database? (AccessPortalUser)

In certain cases, 
we want to re-create the service user used by our different components, The "AccessPortalUser".
In order to re-create this user we can browse for a script that re-creates this user in the extracted package.
It can be found in the following location (relative to the extracted location) \SkypeShield.Setup\Payload\SqlScripts\Utils\CreateDatabaseUsers.sql
The scripts starts with these lines:
DECLARE @dbName nvarchar(MAX) = N'AccessPortal'
DECLARE @dbUserName nvarchar(MAX) = N'AccessPortalUser'
DECLARE @dbNotificationName nvarchar(MAX) = N'AgatDBNotificationsUser'

-- Database login password must not include any of the following characters: <,>,&,%,",'.
DECLARE @dbUserPassword nvarchar(MAX) = N'your_Pas5w0rd'
The above lines are variable definitions, if the name of your DB isn't "AccessPortal" and/or you want to change the name of the 'AccessPortalUser' and/or you want to change the name of the "AgatDBNotificationUser", then the lines need to be changed. 
This can be done by opening the .sql file in notepad and change the values of 'dbName', 'dbUserName' and 'dbNotificationName' respectively.
Regardless of whether or not a change to the above values is required it is highly-recommended to change the value of 'dbUserPassword' we advise against working with our default passwords
After re-creating the username, it is recommended to verify that all of the components have the new service user properly defined and are able to perform restarts.
(This can be done by checking the logs for the SIP Filter and DMZ Bastion and by trying to login into the Admin Portal)