How to manually install the SIP Filter on the Front End server?

In this KB we are going to learn to install the SIP Filter manually, without the installer on the Skype for Business Front End server.
Before proceeding please make sure you have all the requirement installed by following this KB.


In the extracted SIP folder open CMD and type the following command:

AgatSfbSipFilter.exe install

A successful installation should resemble:


Verify which user is running the SIP Filter service:

To that user ("Local Service") grant the following permissions:

  • Modify permissions to the SIP Filter folder
  • Member of the local group 'RTC Server Application'


The configuration file of the SIP is called 'AgatSfbSipFilter.yaml'

In that file edit the connection string to match your environment. The syntax should be as follows:

Data Source=<<SQLSERVER>>;Initial Catalog=<<DataBaseName>>;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=<<username>>;Password=<<password>>

To initiate a secured connection to the Access Portal, we will need the IV and KEY values from that server.
Open the applicationSetting.config file, its default location is:


The last step is to change the internal variable to true.

New Application Entry

In the Front End server run the following Powershell command in order to add a new application entry for the SIP Filter:

new-CsServerApplication -identity "Service:Registrar:<Front End Pool FQDN>/lync_access_control" -uri "" -critical $false -enable $true -priority 0

You can make sure that the application was created by running the 'Get-CsServerApplication' Powershell command and looking for the new entry:

All that is left to do now is start the service.