How to run multiple instances of Bastion?

How to run multiple instances of Bastion?

  1. Use Bastion

  2. Create a couple of different folders for each instance of Bastion along with its filters, certs… like:

c:\agat\bastion\RBC, c:\agat\bastion\Optus

Please note to put multiple Bastions beneath different folder names (RBC and Optus)

3. The listening IP address and port should be different among them (in bastion.xml)

4. Open a command line as administrator and install each of them with an argument that will identify it, like

Bastion.exe install RBC

5. When going to Services, you will see this name

6. You can now use it as usual, by Start, Stop etc.

7. In order not to mix up between the logs of multiple Bastions, each log file will include also its current directory in its name, like


8. To remove the service, run this command

Bastion.exe remove RBC


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