How to install GPT Gateway
GPT Gateway Fresh Install Guide
If you’re deploying private AI please refer to this wiki
Use the same image of LLM for the Gateway
If you already have existing environment, please use this tutorial:
Setting Up a Hostname:
Create a hostname for the GPT gateway API.
Prepare an Ubuntu Machine:
Provision an Ubuntu machine for the GPT gateway.
Open the following ports:
22 (SSH)
443 (HTTPS)
1433 (SQL Server)
5432 (PostgreSQL)
Disable ipv6 (there are some ways, look online)
Obtaining the GPT Gateway Version:
Login to with user itAgat (Lastpass)
Download the last zip
Extract and browse gatewaychatgpt-xxx\gatewaychatgpt-xxx\project\config
Configuration Changes:
Modify environment variables as needed.
For private AI set LOCAL_AI_API=http://<LLM-ip:port>
For OpenAI set MODEL = gpt-3.5-turbo-16k , For private AI set MODEL=
If you are using OpenAI - Create API key and use it in line 25 - OPENAI_API_KEY= sk-W…..
For on-prem environment you can use the general client id and secret in Lastpass “Bgd Gateway general client”
For SaaS environment generate a client ID and secret here: Free Online GUID Generator and document in your BGD Lastpass record
EMBEDDER = (Set openai for GPT or gte-qwen for Local AI)
b. gateway.conf
This is a NGINX configuration file.
Update the
property (ports 80 and 443) with your gateway URL.Example:
c. postgresql.conf
This is a PostgreSQL configuration file.
Use PGTune to configure PostgreSQL depending on your machine. Read this: Deployment system sizing
When using Private AI, move the file compose.override.yml from folder Private AI to folder Gateway.
d. docker-compose-app.service
edit WorkingDirectory=/home/user/Gateway - update with the proper user
e. Edit SQLScripts/FreshInstall/CreateDatabase.sql
Set dbName, dbUserName and dbUserPassword
Move to Gateway server
Upload to the Ubuntu Machine: (Be aware of case sensitivity in Linux)
Transfer the
folder to the Ubuntu machine's home directory (i.e.,~
).Tip: Use the MobaXterm tool's UI for an SSH connection to assist with the transfer.
Installation and Setup on the Ubuntu Machine:
Connect to the machine and navigate to the home directory:
cd ~
Resolving Windows to Unix Copy Issues:
sudo apt install -y dos2unix sudo dos2unix gateway/InstallScripts/FreshInstall/ sudo dos2unix gateway/gateway.conf
Install docker - Documentation here (use apt method) [Note that Nvidia deep learning base AMI already included docker]
Install docker compose plugin - Documentation here (use apt method)
Login to Docker BusinessGPT account (Password in LP):
Grant execution permissions and run the installation script (login to docker account using “Docker BusinessGPT” in LP): (case sensitive)
Installing Gateway database:
Connect to the database with SSMS from office (with ip address of the Gateway)
username: sa, password - see sa password in docker.env
Run CreateDatabase.sql (take from Sqlsripts\freshinstall)
Install service docker-compose-app.service
edit user and run:
then run:
Health Check:
Browse to:
with your hostname).Ensure the result displays: “Yes”.
Ensure that the gateway is securely connected by verifying the presence of a green lock icon in the browser
If you change anything in docker.env or docker.compose, run this to restart containers
Amazon Linux
Check gateway docker status:
Amazon Linux
Check gateway logs:
Amazon Linux:
Check system logs:
Amazon Linux:
Check GPU memory (for Private AI)
If PostgreSQL not configured in docker.env and you already run docker compose - you will need to delete PostgreSQL volume (this will delete all embedding)
Amazon Linux:
How to find Gateway version
To locate the version of the Gateway within your Gateway container, navigate to the /gateway/
file. You can retrieve the Gateway version by executing the following command:
Import logs from docker to current location:
First locate location of relevant log
You might need logs from these locations:
Copy to current location example: