Troubelshooting Private AI

Troubelshooting Private AI

Some files in a collection fail

When you load files, the system loads each file using a specific loader to extract the text and then creates slits of the text into chunks. The chunks are at size of 500 tokens which is around one page of text.

We refer to this process as the ingesting of documents.

If some files in a collection fail ingesting, you will receive a message indicating this at the top right corner of the dashboard.



We also mark the status with an exclamation make like this:




Typical reasons can be password-protected or corrupted files.


To view the files with an issue, select the line and click on the “Show content”


Then, the search for status failed in the advanced search (Version 2.9.0 )

You can click on the retry icon near the failed status if you fixed the issue of the file


Embedding chat into a SharePoint site

SP have some restrictions on how to add embedded code. Below are the steps to perform this :

Include the SP site URL in the chat properties

The first step from BGT site make sure to include the SP URL with https in the chat domain list like this:


modify the embedded code

  1. Copy the code from this page:


  2. Remove the script tag

  3. SP requires a size in the embedded code so you need to modify the embedded code by adding a size to it

The result should be something like this

<iframe height="500" width="500" id="chatFrame" src="https://dev.businessgpt.pro/Share/fd36ab6b-8d18-47ef-8e58-462771d3d481" title="chat bot"></iframe>


Allow SP to show embedded content from BusinessGTP site

Follow this guide Allow or restrict the ability to embed content on SharePoint pages - Microsoft Support and add “dev.businessgpt.pro“ to the Allow external iframes


If all is good you should see this:



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How to upload meeting transcript into the BusinessGPT dashboard
How to upload meeting transcript into the BusinessGPT dashboard
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