UCMA General Information

UCMA General Information


UCMA is a software component by Microsoft that we install on certain servers (typically the Admin Portal Server).
This component allows for 3rd party developers to access and control the following aspects of Skype for Business internal functionalities:

  • Microsoft's Enhanced Presence information.
  • Impersonating messages.
  • Telephone and video calls.
  • Audio/video conferencing.

This component integration combined with setting the Trusted Application configurations allow us to perform manipulations and use the SfB/Lync environment in order to do the following:

  • Ethical Wall policies based on Contact list - Use Contact list information pulled from the SfB environment to set certain Ethical wall policies that apply according to contact list members.
  • User/Admin notification - Send IMs to users and admins from the local SfB environment in order to notify them about Ethical wall/DLP/etc. actions that were performed.
  • Organized conference for MDM registration - Create a conference after device registration when using 3rd generation MDM to ease the registration process.

Trusted Application

As part of the installation of the UCMA certain configuration in the SfB/Lync topology. These configurations allow the environment to identify and authenticate the 3rd party application that are trying to access them (Admin Portal Web App/SIP Filter).

Skype for Business presents 4 entity types within the model of Trusted Applications.

Trusted Application pool

A trusted application is a Skype for Business entity that is configured under a Server pool and represents a collection of internal functionalities/components of the Server Pool(named Trusted Application).

You can list the existing Application pools by running the following command in Powershell on the Front-End


Trusted Application

A Trusted Application is an entity within the pool that specifies an identity and connectivity details for different components utilizing the Application Pool

Sphereshield set 3 Applications

Trusted Application namePortUsagePoolRequired
SkypeShieldTrustedApp1111Access PortalAccess Portal poolYes
MaintenanceServiceTrustedApp1113Maintenance ServiceAccess Portal poolYes
SipFilterTrustedApp1112SIP filter on the Front-EndFront-End poolNo

You can list the existing Application pools by running the following command in Powershell on the Front-End


Trusted Application Endpoint

A trusted application endpoint is an Active Directory contact object that enables the routing of calls to a trusted application.

Sphereshield requires it for IM notification and enable the ability to impersonate a SIP address 

You can list the existing Application pools by running the following command in Powershell on the Front-End


Trusted Application Computer

Not used by Sphereshield

See Also