Logs and Settings Action Plans Per Issue
These are the action plans required to get the full information when encountering an issue with SphereShield.
For mobile clients issues:
- Logs & Settings Action Plan for Mobile Devices Sign in with Active Directory Credentials
- Logs & Settings Action Plan for Mobile Devices Sign in with SkypeShield Credentials
- Logs & Settings Action Plan for MDM Integration Issues with SkypeShield App
- Troubleshooting MDM with Postman
For mobile clients and PC issues:
- Logs & Settings Action Plan for Mobile Devices and PC Sign in with Active Directory Credentials
- Logs & Settings Action Plan for Mobile Devices and PC Sign in with SkypeShield Credentials
For other issues:
- Logs & Settings Action Plan for Bastion & LAC Crash/Freeze issues
- Logs & Settings Action Plan for DDoS Protection issues
- Logs & Settings Action Plan for Ethical Wall or DLP
- Logs & Settings Action Plan for EWS issues with SkypeShield Credentials
- Logs & Settings Action Plan for EWS issues with Active Directory Credentials
- Logs & Settings Action Plan for Skype Meeting issue