Microsoft Webhooks - How It Works

Microsoft Webhooks - How It Works

Webhooks help to connect the web services to Teams Channels\chat in Microsoft Teams. Webhooks are developer defined HTTP callback that notifies about any action that has taken place in the Microsoft Teams channel\chat. It is a way for an app to get real time data. Connectors allow users to subscribe to receive notifications and messages from your web services.

Incoming Webhooks help in posting messages from apps to Teams. If Incoming Webhooks are enabled for a team or chat, we can get notifications about events that happened in these teams\chats.

In Agat CasbAdapter config we can enable few sorts of Webhooks, and it will create the subscription in Azure.

For example:



After enabling Webhooks in the config file, restart CasbAdapter service and track the log with the word “Subscription” - it can be succesfull creation of subscription or failure in creation of subscription.

The subscriptions can be viewed here:

In Listener log you can track incoming webhooks (“WebhookWorker: fetched new item from queue………”), and also in IIS log you can find indication to incoming webhooks (“POST/rest/v1/casb/webhook/msoffice/………..”)



See here on the web hook site : Webhook Listener Site - WLS