How to check that the Scripts are injected properly into the Teams client


Part of the SphereShield solution includes injecting scripts into the client. It is needed because some of the traffic does not go over HTTP/ WebSockets and to improve user experience by notifying issues for the user.


  • Use TP or above

  • Use MNTS or above

  • If you don’t have MNTS - Install it (see “Installations” and “Configure Maintenance Service” Chapters)

Configuration and Testing

Step 1: Make Sure MNTS is running


Step 2: Configure IM

Follow this Guide: IM Notifications

Step 3: Use Teams to call the Compliance Admin User

If you are not sure who the Compliance Admin is, you can check this in the Admin Portal
Simply navigate to Settings>Cloud Services Integration and scroll down until you see the “Compliance Admin user“

image-20240715-173518.png is the Compliance Admin
  • Sign-in to Teams and call the Admin

  • You should receive the following message from the admin : “Health check succeeded for user [UserName]”

If you got this message it means that the scripts injection is working

You can use Teams without any worries!