Data Classification Report

Data Classification Report


On this page, the account admin can see the classification of all contents (files/ prompts and responses)

The purpose is to get a view of all content that has a specific classification such as PII.

How to Access

Go to Account AI Firewall > Data Classification Report


You should see the following page:


Each report contains:

  • Senstivity Level - image-20240522-114053.png , image-20240522-114108.png , image-20240522-114122.png and image-20240522-114145.png

  • Data classifications - To which classification does the data fit into

  • Data Type - prompt, response, document, site page, etc.

  • Data - The actual prompt, response, document, site page, etc.

  • Created By - The user who made the action

  • Created Time - The time the action occurred

Try it yourself

Open the Advanced search and fill the fields the following way:

  • Press on “Search” and you should see the following record:

In this example we can see the senstivity level is High, the data classification is “Anti-harassment and workspace safety“. We can also see what the question was, who asked it, and when.

  • Now press on the image-20240522-113241.png at the right and you’ll be able to see the full question so as the Data classification rules





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