Data Classification Report
On this page, the account admin can see the classification of all contents (files/ prompts and responses)
The purpose is to get a view of all content that has a specific classification such as PII.
How to Access
Go to Account AI Firewall > Data Classification Report
You should see the following page:
Each report contains:
Senstivity Level -
Data classifications - To which classification does the data fit into
Data Type - prompt, response, document, site page, etc.
Data - The actual prompt, response, document, site page, etc.
Created By - The user who made the action
Created Time - The time the action occurred
Try it yourself
Open the Advanced search and fill the fields the following way:
Press on “Search” and you should see the following record:
In this example we can see the senstivity level is High, the data classification is “Anti-harassment and workspace safety“. We can also see what the question was, who asked it, and when.
Now press on the
at the right and you’ll be able to see the full question so as the Data classification rules