How to use the BusinessGPT AI Firewall Extention
Control questions and answers on ChatGPT using Firewall inspection
BusinessGPT is a Security and Governance Firewall for Generative AI. The core offering includes a unique real-time Firewall that mitigates AI risks by controlling AI usage, such as ChatGPT/Copilot and local AI services. BusinessGPT also provides a complete end-to-end Private/ On-premise AI solution for highly regulated companies, ensuring zero data exposure. The solution allows users to securely ask questions and responsibly use insights from all company data.
Add the extention
Go to Chrome Web Store
Press on the extention
Press on “Add to Chrome“
Press on “Add extention“
Use the extention
Go to Dashbaord>Account AI Firewall>Data Classification and press on “Add“
Let's make the word "Tel Aviv" forbidden, fill the fields the following way and press “save“:
Go to ChatGPT and ask a question about Tel Aviv:
The question will be blocked
Go to Dashbaord>Account AI Firewall>Account Activity Auditing
You should see documentation for the block; click the plus button for more details: