AI Firewall Dashboard


In the Firewall Dashboard, we display several graphs to provide the administrator with a clear and organized view of his organization.

How to Access

First sign-in to the dashboard with an admin account, Then go to Account AI Firewall > Dashboard



The charts

  • Top Data classification rule - Displays the number of times each data rule was detected by the firewall

  • Top Usage classification rule - Displays the number of times each usage rule was detected by the firewall

  • Top Topics - Displays the number of times each topic was detected by the firewall

  • Top Detailed Usage - Displays the specific usage in the prompt regardless of any classified rules

  • Top Entity - Displays the amout of times that personal data was detected by the firewall

  • Activity by user - Displays the amout of questions each user asked

  • Activity risk by time - Displays the risk levels over time

  • Policy activity by user - Displays how many questions were Blocked/Allowed by each user

  • Policy activity by Time - Displays the amout of Blocked/Allowed actions over time

  • Activity by risk level - Displays the distribution of Activity by risk level: High, Medium and low

  • Policy activity by action - Displays the distribution between Blocked and Allowed actions

Try it yourself

Here is the “Top data classification rule“ chart. We can see the Firewall detected more than 500 PII rules, a little bit more than 400 Finance rules and so on.

  • Hovering on a specific column will reveal the exact number of detections

  • Now press on the “Show All“ button on the top right. A list with the detected rules will be revealed

In parentheses we can see the number of times each rule was detected

  • Now press on “Open Auditing“ and you should see the following table

  • Another way to view the audit details of a specific rule is to simply click on its column in the chart: