Usage management

Usage management


On this page, the account admin can see the usage classification of each and every question

How to Access

Go to Account AI Firewall > Usage Management


You should see the following page:


Each report contains:

  • Prompt - The question asked

  • Specific usage - Summary of the usage as understood by the AI from the prompt

  • Usage Classifications - The usage that matches from the “Usage Classifications“ page

  • Suggested usage - Will be out soon - Suggest a usage classification for prompts that did not match any existing classification

  • Created Time - The time the question was asked

Try it yourself

Fill in the prompt field the following question: “What is Globalization?”

  • Press on “Search” and you should see the following record:

In this example we can see specific usage is “Answering questions on various topics“ and usage classification is “Marketing Content“

  • Now press on the image-20240522-133848.png at the right and you’ll be able to see the reason why the prompt matches the “Marketing Content“ classification