eDiscovery - How it works
eDiscovery receives info from 2 components:
API - Chat, Files, participants and recordings.
Proxy - Meeting info and activity of Audio, Video ,Desktop sharing and participants. This info is stored in Activity Auditing and is copied by the MNTS to the eDiscovery.
Audio Video means the activity that was done without the content. Chat and files include the content
If Audio/Video content is needed- you must deploy recording management
To get all type of content - both proxy and API are required
CasbAdapter ApplicationSettings.config
InitializeMessagingBL - true
EnableFetchingMessages - true
DataProcessingEnabled - true
EnableFetchingMemberships - true
GraphPaymentModel - A
PollingUsersMessages - false
pollingChatMessagesEnable - true
pollingChannelsMessagesEnable - false
EnableFetchingSharePointSites - true
eDiscovery data fields
Conversation Type - Message , File , Audio, Video , info (for auditing), Screen Sharing, unknown. Also Channel, Meeting for backwards computability
Conversation scope - Meeting, Channel, Chat, Group chat, Call, Space, Direct, Space Meeting.
Note: In Webex - Meeting refers to Schedule Meeting. Meeting started from a space refers to Space Meeting.
Data Source - All, Teams, Exchange, Skype for Business, OneDrive or SharePoint, OneDrive, SharePoint, Webex Teams, Webex Meeting, zoom, Slack, RingCentral, Audio Code. P2P, conference for backwards computability
Meeting and group chat
Participants list includes link to Auditing. For a managed user the link is to the auditing records with the “From” value that match and for non managed users the link is to auditing records with the “To” value that match.
Managed participants are determined by Auditing record, if a user appears in “From” value and the activity type is Audio than the user is managed.
Sample of Meeting record
Video and Share screen
Video and screen sharing are being copied from Auditing to eDiscovery when allowed.
Participants list contains all the user in the meeting while screen sharing or video events occurred.
Sample of Screen Sharing record
Sample of meeting recording
Sample of meeting Chat
Sample of regular P2P chat
External Meetings
SphereShield eDiscovery can also capture communications from meetings that are hosted externally even if the domains are not federated.
Identifying and handling meeting and recurring meetings
Each meeting contains multiple calls.
A meeting is identified by meeting-ID
A call is identified by call-ID
Each session has meeting id and call id, so each call has a separate session in the eDiscovery DB
Recurring meetings are in fact the same meeting with multiple calls done every week.
Cases inspection
The whole flow is a part of messaging BL including getting data from DB and updating it.
The BL calls each application e.g. Webex to call its API and to fil the MESSAGING_QUEUE table.
After the application inserts to MESSAGING_QUEUE, the BL continues its processing including sending the email at the end
For more information:
eDiscovery Cases - How it works