How to create Google GCP Emails/Drive application

How to create Google GCP Emails/Drive application


This process is only relevant for deployments done by the customer (on prem / private cloud) who create their own account

The easiest way to process the user’s drive and/or email data is by forwarding emails to a shared email address



A user who would like to share his email content simply forwards it to a dedicated user as follows:

agi@BusienssGPT.pro for production and agidemo@agatsolutions.com for the demo environment.


To ingest files from Google Drive, the user simply needs to share the content with the same users as above


In cases where this approach is not possible due to regulations requiring a private cloud environment or on-prem requirements, the customer can create his application as explained below.


Steps to create a Google app


  • Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/

  • Sign in with your dedicated user to create the app.

  • Create a new project

  • After the project is created do the following

  • Go to enable APIs & services

  • Click on +ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES (see in the image above)

  • Then choose Gmail / Drive API services (according to the needs).

  • Go to Credentials and click on create credentials

  • Choose OAuth client id

  • Application type - Web Application

  • Give it a name

  • Fill this field - Authorized redirect URL’s with the redirect URL supported by AGAT

  • Take the client id and secret and give it to AGAT.

  • Go to Oauth consent screen and fill the data

  • Give app name and support email

  • In scopes page you should add drive/gmail readonly

Finish to fill the data .